sábado, 16 de junio de 2012

Five minutes: activ.Familia, Profesiones y Estaciones




Familia: Family

1.) Draw a picture of a family and put your name.

Yo: I
Mamá: Mother
Papá: Father
Abuelo: Grandfather
Abuela: Grandmother
Hermano: Brother
Hermana: Sister                                                    

Profesiones: Professions

2.) Draw a picture of the following professions:

Enfermero: nurse
Doctor: doctor
Maestro: teacher
Jardinero: gardener
Bombero: firefighter
Policia: police
Abogado: lawyer
Cartero: postman
Actor: actor
Taxista: taxi driver
Peluquero: barber
Peluquera: hairdresser
Periodista : journalist
Modelo: model
Soldado: soldier
Niñera: nanny

Seasons: Estaciones del año.

3.) Match the words with the corresponding drawing:

Primavera: Spring
Verano: Summer
Otoño: Autumn
Invierno: Winter

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